December 1, 2023

By Blair Blake

For your holiday gift consideration: a treasury of books exploring realms beyond concensus reality by Daily Grail Publishing.These works include unique insights from legendary ufologist Jacques Vallee, an exploration of the historical use of psychedelics by Paul Devereux (author of EarthLights), intrigue from an earlier program of UFO disinfo by shadowy government types by Adam Gorightly, thoughts on the complexities of human consciousness and a possible survival of death by Greg Taylor and other fascinating subject matter involving cases of high strangeness.  Included on the list is a hard cover of “IJYNX” by Blair MacKenzie Blake (Nightside prose-poems) and the author’s trilogy of novels about remnants of ancient futuristic humanity-plus and their mysterious havens (origin of “heaven”) that remain concealed amid seemingly ordinary settings. Both soft-cover and e-books of most works available.

2023 Holiday Reading Suggestions from Daily Grail Publishing