August 6, 2017

By Blair Blake

“First of all, on behalf of John and his family, thank you to everybody for your incredibly generous contributions, as well as the outpouring of love and support from all corners of the global music community – and beyond! As of this writing, in just over two weeks, 341 people have contributed just shy of $40k! That’s an incredible feat and testament to just how much appreciation you all have for John. A simple “thank you” seems grossly understated.

John has been doing well and making slow, steady progress in his recovery. He is still in the hospital, and after a discouraging 10 days of being turned down for various rehabilitation facilities his doctors recommended, it was looking as if he might be heading home to be tended to by a home care provider. After stepping up his physical/occupational therapy efforts over the past week however, yesterday – August 4th – he was reevaluated and accepted into the hospital’s acute rehab program! From the beginning, this was one of the best-case scenarios as it is highly regarded, but after initially being turned down, it seemed like a long shot.


John’s motivation, initiative, and hard work have been yielding some great results. Vision in his right eye has almost returned to normal, and his speech continues to improve daily. Additionally, he is now standing up and taking a few steps unassisted, and his heretofore stubborn right arm and hand have finally begun gaining some movement!

Once again, thank you to everyone for rallying around John and helping to spread the word. While he is making measurable improvements, there will still be a long recovery period and every penny of this will go towards helping him keep his head above water until he is once again able to support himself. In the meantime, let’s keep this going.

Thank you!”