February 5, 2025

By Blair Blake

Here are the descriptions of most of the tee shirts in Danny’s shop that Joe and I designed over the years.


The newest design in Danny’s Grimoire Series features a pen and ink drawing contained in a spectacular vellum copy of Aleister Crowley’s 1904 edition of The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King.  The image is of Crowley stationed inside a protective magic circle as he summons the ninth spirit (Crowned King Paimon), who manifests while seated on a dromedary inside the Triangle of Art.  In the center of the design is Paimon’s Seal from the Goetic spirit catalogue (a mapping of specific brain circuitry according to Crowley’s “masterly elucidation” that is part of his Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic). After being compelled to appear, the spirit, who instructs the Operator in all arts and sciences (along with secret knowledge), is further commanded to speak these things clearly and in the magician’s own language. The character (i.e. neurological zone) of Paimon can also be worn as a Lamen. For additional information concerning such extraordinary impressions projected back into the ‘phenomenal world’, see “Notes to Pentecost” in A.C.’s The Sword of Song.


The theme of this design is Jack Parsons – a pioneer of American space exploration and one of the founders of JPL (sometimes dubbed “Jack Parsons Laboratory”) in the 1930s.  While involved with jet propulsion and creating fuel for multistage rockets, Parsons was also a card-carrying member of Aleister Crowley’s occult fraternity that experimented with sexual-magico techniques.  Assisted by an elemental/scarlet woman named “Candy Cameron”, one of the magical rituals Parsons engaged in (“The Babalon Working”) was specifically designed to produce a “moonchild.” The result was “Liber 49” – a magical transmission that Parsons believed to be a fourth chapter of Crowley’s “The Book of the Law.” Libertarian, philosopher, occultist, rocket engineer and explosives expert, Parsons died in an explosion from the highly volatile fulminate of mercury in his Pasadena garage in 1952.

For his many contributions to the fledgling space program, the International Astronomical Union named a large impact crater on the far side of the moon.


To commemorate the release of “REMEMBER THE FUTURE – THE DANNY CAREY SYNTH PROJECT”, Danny’s TEE features the legendary Buchla “SOURCE OF UNCERTAINTY” module. Unpredictability at its finest. The SOURCE OF UNCERTAINTY module is said to be the heart of the Buchla 200 system, whose analog oracle ‘speaks’ in three flavors of noise – pink, white and blue… and whose Stored Random Voltages not only create Sample & Hold effects, but with the addition of CHAOS takes you far beyond the more familiar S/H arabesques.


Danny’s “TOOLBOX ELEMENTS” design is based on his custom built PLAN B (Electro-Acoustic Research) modular synthesizer – a masterwork of electronics created by Peter Grenader.  The controls of the various synth modules are glimpsed while superimposed on the nine-sided geometry (NONAGON) that embellishes the purple casing of the performance system in polished plasma cut aluminum designed by Chas Smith.


Featuring the elemental spirit that governs the Air Tablet, as well as being one of the master keys in esoteric thought to vibrate from the Black Cross of the Great Table.  As one of the Enochian forces, this unique tool also appears on D.C.’s talismanic boards, themselves ensigiled magical engines, whose occult diagrams (principles) are employed for creative purposes.  In addition, the new EXARP design includes a ‘parasemiotic’ symbol in the Alphabet of Daggers.


 As the seemingly malefic (or mischievous) “Demon of Dispersion” and “Dweller on the Threshold” in Enochian and Thelemic magic, CHORONZOM (333) is considered to be the final obstacle between the aspirant and the enlightenment received upon reaching the supernal triad beyond the lower qabalistic spheres.  Therefore, in the occult symbolism depicted, “The Guardian of the Abyss” represents individual self-perfection that is achieved by a physical transmutation (i.e. the perfect digestion of alchemical gold). For those endowed with oxyopia, Choronzom hints at an endogenous mystification involving the death-born substance of a buried philosophy. The Triple Fire-Tongue of the mortified circle of the self-devouring serpent (uroborus) becomes the smokeless flame that feasts or burns away a certain membrane that acts as a protective shell in the human anatomy.  In order to be redeemed from baseness, the illusions of manifest reality woven by Choronzom must be apprehended and transmuted.


“My pictures look more beautiful if you look at them with your eyes closed.”

Aleister Crowley’s portrait of LAM was first published in 1919 as the frontispiece of his commentary of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s “The Voice of the Silence” in the Equinox Vol III, No 1 (better known as “The Blue Equinox”).  Although it is uncertain when Crowley drew the enigmatic image of LAM (meaning The Way or Path), most researchers believe it was ‘conceived’ during “The Amalantrah Working” and displayed as part of the Beast’s “Dead Souls” exhibition in New York in 1919.  Afterwards, it remained all but forgotten until mentioned in Kenneth Grant’s “The Magical Revival” in 1972.

As a young student of Crowley in 1945, Grant was given the drawing as the prize from his master after guessing the work’s title. (Actually, Grant wasn’t spot on that spring day, but nevertheless received that which he coveted for services rendered.) After issuing the “Statement on LAM” in Starfire magazine Volume 1, number 3 (1989) that described the procedures (and banishings) of using the image in magical workings, many practitioners of the ‘deep end of the pool’ Nightside rituals – those who sought traffic with praeter-human entities – began to utilize the LAM tool as a mode of entry into alternate dimensions or realms of consciousness. To these intrepid “Lamanauts”, the “Mask of Aiwass” unlocked a portal or gateway outside one’s terrestrial module, functioning as a means of establishing contact and key to the mysteries of our ultra-terrestrial nexus.

Besides a rendition of the haunting portrait of LAM, the tee design also incorporates the styled 49 drawn below the original image, which might also be the Tibetan characters (Senzar?, Zhang-zhung?) for LA and MA.

“Thou canst not travel on the path before thou hast become the path.”
Verse 49 (The Voice of the Silence).


Using a photograph taken by DANNY CAREY nearly 20 years ago – the design of his new tee shirt contains several elements associated with the enduring mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau in the south of France.  It was in 1891 that the impoverished parish priest of a tiny Pyrenean village discovered something that enabled him to acquire great wealth.  His initial find is believed to have been coded parchments that were sealed and hidden inside a column that supported the 11th-century church’s ancient altar stone.  Once deciphered, certain anomalies in the Latin Biblical text revealed pentagonal geometry that hinted to a vast pentagram of natural landscape features in the area that some consider to be the perfect location to conceal something of earth-shaking importance.

Although it is still not know exactly what it was that dramatically changed the priest’s fortunes, he may have left behind clues in the bewildering mass of garish, near blasphemous religious imagery. Among the phantasmagoric Christian iconography designed by the priest while refurbishing the dilapidated church is a frightening plaster demon that still greets visitors in the doorway.  He has been identified as ASMODEUS, the legendary guardian of hidden treasures and custodian of secrets. With its ingeniously embedded enigmatic clues, many believe that the church itself is a treasure map that the obstinate and mischievous priest devised to immortalize the secret of his sudden riches.

Yet, with the priest’s many nocturnal excavations and other strange behavior, the bizarre decorations in the church might actually be a REVERSE treasure map.  As strange as this concept might seem, in a place of mirror opposites, the persistent theme of treasure and death (death and treasure) offer oblique hints of a powerful secret shared throughout history by a privileged few.


Featuring diagrams of both the magic circle and triangle of Solomon as shown in Aleister Crowley’s translation of an ancient grimoire. The triangle served as a spirit trap for the legendary king to attract and capture Djinn. In a letter sent by Crowley to Kenneth Grant, he mentions an “initiated interpretation” of ceremonial magic that is notably rationalistic. This explanation supposes that the process of “evocation” involved with Goetic Summons stimulates and activates specific sections of human neural circuitry (regions of the brain) that are responsible for acquiring knowledge of diverse subjects as well as for learning and mastering particular skills. The sigil ‘chosen’ for the new tee is that of PAIMON, who teaches the “arts and Sciences, and other secret things.”


Featuring a portrait of the hooded Crowley as “The Silent Watcher”, the shirt’s overall design is suggestive of a magical ritual (involving death simulation and the premature release of an endogenous substance) specifically timed to coincide with the plummeting brightness of the eclipsing ‘binary’ Algol star configuration. At a distance of 93 light years, Algol (Ra’s al-Ghul) was known in ancient star lore as “the most evil, violent, and dangerous star in the heavens.” Winking balefully in the heart of the deeps, the blinking “Demon’s Head” holds yet another curiosity. To the “Silent Watchers”, the famous “Algol Paradox” provides the perfect analogy with a closely guarded secret of our occult hyper-khemistry known as “The Jewel of Divine Anthropophagy.”


The esoteric geometry of “Pheonistic Continuum” hints at the ritualized activation of certain veves of Voudon Gnosticism. By employing the secrets of vudotronics (via ontic broadcasting and nightside presentations), the operator’s magickcal circuitry is thereby able to receive outpourings of ultra-mauve radiations and impressions from beyond the hyper-spatial gateway of Daath, which is the physiological interface with the Zothyrian Format.  This occult hyper-chemistry involving the science of amplified vudotronics is used to detect and investigate realms of abstract essences in the magickal imagination (i.e. Daathian gnosis.)


“ASTAROTH” adds to Danny’s grimoire tee series, with the design based on illustrations from the notorious GRIMORIUM VERUM, which the occultist Arthur Edward Waite called an “undisguised handbook” of black magic, and in which certain of The Most Approved Keys have been heavily borrowed from the LEMEGATON(better known as the Clavicula Salomonis or Key of Solomon, and to some extent Le dragon rouge).  The tee features “The Green Butterfly” ascending from its cocoon sigil of Astaroth, but remains silent on the manner in which to attract and seize Du Papillon Vert ( or that, you’ll need to consult the highly-sought after and jealously guarded * French edition of the Grimorium Verum by Simon Blocquel).

Needless to say, one should wear the tee responsibly and in moderation.

* This is ‘out of the net’ now.


The focal point in the design “SHAMANITA” is not meant to marginalize the historical view regarding the origin of traditional holiday motifs but, rather, to offer an alterative interpretation to conventional concepts – in particular that of Santa, his elves and flying reindeer.  Those who have read the essay (entitled Shamanita) will be prepared for any questions when wearing (or bestowing as a gift) the shirt… and blow the minds of friends and relatives with a psychedelic version of the holiday season… and origin of the true WONDERLAND.


Launched into fractal dimensions at irrelevant speed; interactions with entities of dazzling neural-galaxies, Danny’s new tee design pays homage to the intrepid psychonauts of the ENTHEOGENERATION, those who explore the mostly uncharted regions of inner space when propelled by shamanic botanicals.


Features a stylized Amanita muscaria mushroom, with allusions to the legendary toadsTOOL perch of magical elves as a shamanic vehicle to explore higher realms of consciousness.

Purple 100% cotton custom 22″ bandana. Print is 19″ with water-based ink. Outside stoke border is there to show edge of bandana.


Beanie is 8.5″ in length. 100% acrylic, hypoallergenic. 2″ symbol featuring a star polygon with eleven vertices and Enochian letters. The symbol hints at the so-called false sephira, Daath, that leads to the qliphotic paths on the shadow-side of the Tree of Life.