by Blair Blake | Jun 14, 2018 | News
REMINDER: DANNY will be drumming with the DOUG WEBB GROUP at THE CATALINA BAR & GRILL on THURSDAY, JUNE 14. The jazz spot is located at 6725 SUNSET, L.A., CA, 90028. He will then be performing with the DW GROUP on JUNE 24 at the OJAI ART CENTER at 113 South...
by Blair Blake | Jun 14, 2018 | News
DANNY will be performing with the JAMIE KIME BAND at the BAKED POTATO in STUDIO CITY on MONDAY, JULY 2. The other musicians are TOSHI YANAGI, MATT ROHDE and TRAVIS CARLTON. ALL AGES WELCOME Jaime Kime...
by Blair Blake | Jun 4, 2018 | News
Danny and Rynne would like to thank the brilliant MORGAN TAYLOR for performing at ZOLA’s 3rd birthday party.
by Blair Blake | Jun 3, 2018 | News
Danny and Rynne’s son turns 3 today.
by Blair Blake | Jun 2, 2018 | News
The new “COLLIDE” album is available.